Hello, Y2022


Last day of 2nd month in Y2022

Here is my first entry for this year!

Happy new year, readers! I know blogger is so old fashioned for you as compared to FB, IG and TikTok etc. But I just love this blogger again and again with no solid reasons. 

So please bear with me as I just discovered a new and easier way of posting my entry to blogger. Thanks to technology which make my blogging life easier.

Next post would be a wrap up of Y2021 and what is my aim for Y2022. Being 30s, I wish to be more realistic in my life, and really wanna avoid negativity. Smaller circle works wonder on me. I no need 5k followers in my FB, but 7 true friends in IG are really gems!
Insya Allah will write more for you.

Pen off!


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